Bestell-Nr.: BV12944
Autor/in: Noel Gibson, Phyl Gibson
Excuse me - Your Rejection Is Showing
Preis: 26,75 €
ISBN: 9781852401108 (früher: 1852401109)
Format: 20,5 x 13,5 cm
Seiten: 256
Gewicht: 270 g
Verlag: Sovereign World
Erschienen: 1992
Einband: Paperback
Sprache: Englisch
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
Beschreibung: - Review of Some Causes of Rejection
- Symptoms
- Self-prescribed Remedies
- Lead to Violence Even Murder
- Rejection and Onions Have a Lot in Common
- Basement Please
- Who Needs Parents Anyway
- Homo Sapiens, Rejection and Homosexuality
- Saddest, Loneliest, Most Rejected Family on Earth
- How God Dealt With the Whole Rejection Syndrome