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Bestell-Nr.: BN8134
Autor/in: F B Hole
The Gospels and Acts
Preis: 4,50 €
Format: 20,5 x 14 cm
Seiten: 387
Gewicht: 705 g
Verlag: Believers Bookshelf
Einband: Kunstleder
Sprache: Englisch
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
The Lord gives in a striking little parable the character of the unbelieving generation that surrounded Him. They were like petulant children who were agreeable to nothing; neither the gay nor the grave would they accept. So the Jews would not bow to the searching testimony of John, nor would they rejoice in the gracious ministry of Jesus. They denounced the one as being possessed by a demon, and falsely criticized the Other. Still there were those who discerned the Divine wisdom in both testimonies, and these were the true children of wisdom.
Frank Binford Hole (1874-1964), evangelist, teacher, author, editor and publisher, played a significant role, during the first half of the twentieth century, in the dissemination of dispensational Bible teaching popularised by such as John Nelson Darby and William Kelly in the late nineteenth century. Whether speaking or writing, he was noted for his clarity of expression and apt illustrations. For many years he edited and contributed to two periodicals: "Edification" and later "Scripture Truth". Between 1928 and 1947 he wrote a series of articles in each of which he worked systematically, chapter by chapter, through a book in the New Testament. These have been collected into four volumes: The Gospels and Acts, Romans and Corinthians, Galatians to Philemon and Hebrews to Revelation, to create a substantial commentary covering the whole of the New Testament. Today, in the twenty-first century, they provide as valuable an aid to interpreting and applying New Testament principles as when they were first written.In his clear pithy style, the writer lays bare the heart of the teaching of the New Testament. Difficulties in interpretation are not avoided, nor the need to examine the practical response which understanding truth requires.This volume is a chapter by chapter study of each of the four Gospels and the book of Acts.
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