Bestell-Nr.: BV18986
Autor/in: Sheila Jacobs
Title: This New Life
Preis: 4,00 €
ISBN: 1857926617 (ISBN-13: 9781857926613)
Format: 18 x 11 cm
Seiten: 137
Gewicht: 97 g
Verlag: Christian Focus
Erschienen: 2001
Einband: Paperback
Sprache: Englisch
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
- How it all began
- Stacy's Idea
- That Girl Again
- Whelks and Cosmic Wanderers
- Anger
- the Meeting
- Worries
- Wise Words and Rehearsals
- Out of my Life
- This New Life
- A Different Vew
- Friends
Nobody likes Stacy and her big ideas. Sammy knows that she shouldn't join in with the others who laugh at Stacy behind her back. But then doing the right thing was never easy